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U-Report 2021 End of Year Newsletter

In 2021, U-Report Canada recruited more than 400 new U-Reporters from across Canada, reaching 1,173 total U-Reporters. Also joining the U-Report Canada team are 26 new Youth Ambassadors who help with U-Report content and poll development, plus recruitment. U-Report Canada actively recruits Ambassadors and U-Reporters from various communities and backgrounds, ensuring a diversity of opinions and perspectives.

With the help of our Ambassadors, U-Reporters, our Steering Committee and the implementation of bi-weekly polling, U-Report Canada has advocated for youth in Canada at multiple forums. U-Report Canada results have appeared in news articles on the topic of mental health and education and UNICEF Canada’s policy brief on Bill C-11 (Consumer Privacy Protection Act). U-Report Canada results continue to be featured at a wide-range of events, including the Youth Activism Summit and YMCA’s youth employment panel.

As U-Report Canada continues its mission of amplifying youth voices, it also offers young people the chance to build important advocacy skills, network with community leaders and decision-makers, and other exciting opportunities. With more to come in 2022, U-Report Canada would like to thank everyone who has helped make this program a success, as it would not be possible without your support.

To see highlights and selected results from 2021, check out the full newsletter here. 

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.